Deltamicron : Delta-Omicron rekombinantan s hibridnim genomima  

Ranije su zabilježeni slučajevi koinfekcija s dvije varijante. Nije se puno znalo o virusnoj rekombinaciji koja daje viruse s hibridnim genomima. Dvije nedavne studije izvještavaju o slučajevima genetske rekombinacije između SARS-CoV-2 varijanti Denta i Omicron. Rekombinant, nazvan Deltamicron, imao je značajke obje varijante.  

Pojam 'Deltakron' pojavio se početkom ove godine1 to denote COVID-19 cases of co-infection of people with the different variants of SARS-Cov-2 variants, e.g. delta and omicron. Delmicron or Deltacron referred to the infection caused by a combination of “two variants of the same strain of virus, SARS CoV-2″, and were not said to be different “sojevi".  

However, cases of genetic recombination between two different strains of SARS-COV 2 have been reported recently. On 08 March 2022, researchers2 reported three infections in southern France with “Deltamicron” recombinant with hybrid Genom that had spike protein from an Omicron variant and the “body” of a Delta variant. The hybrid Genom had signature mutations of the two lineages. The recombinant spike could optimise viral binding to the host cell membrane.  

Evidences for Delta and omikron recombination has emerged from USA3 as well. This team could identify two independent cases of Delta-Omicron recombinant. In both cases, the 5′-end of the viral Genom was from the Delta Genom, and the 3′-end from Omicron.  

It is suggested that the recombinant viruses are not common nor there is any evidence to suggest that the recombinants with hybrid genomi are more transmissible or virulent than the dominant circulating variants.  



  1. Deltacron nije novi soj ili varijanta. Znanstveni europski. Objavljeno 9. siječnja 2022. Dostupno na http://scientificeuropean.co.uk/covid-19/deltacron-is-not-a-new-strain-or-variant/  
  1. Colson, P., dr. 2022. Kultura i identifikacija “Deltamicron” SARS-CoV-2 u grupi od tri slučaja u južnoj Francuskoj. Preprint medRxiv. Objavljeno 08. ožujka 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.03.22271812  
  1. Bolze A., dr. 2022. Dokazi za SARS-CoV-2 Delta i Omicron koinfekcije i rekombinaciju. Preprint medRxiv. Objavljeno 12. ožujka 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.09.22272113 


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